General Information and Availability for Volunteering
Indicate preferences in assignment:
Days and Times Available to Volunteer (check all that apply):
Work and Volunteer Experience
Are you currently employed?
This section must be completed References must be at least 18 years old and cannot be relatives or individuals residing in your household.
Personal/Professional Reference #1:
Personal/Professional Reference #2:
High School Student Applicants
We appreciate your interest in our hospital. A clear understanding of your background and work/volunteer experience
will aid us in considering you for the volunteer position that best meets your qualifications and interests.
1. I give permission to Virtua Health to investigate any and all information concerning my application in order to determine my qualifications. This includes, but is not
limited to medical clearance, criminal background checks,
employment and personal reference checks, and
educational or certification verification. I understand
that any misrepresentation of facts contained in this
application may be cause for my rejection or dismissal.
2. I agree to be photographed by the hospital.
3. I agree that any personal property carried by me from the hospital premises, including packages, briefcase, or any other hand luggage may be inspected by authorized personnel.
4. I agree to abide by all hospital rules and regulations.
I understand that if placed, my placement will be
subject to the conditions of any applicable introductory
period established by hospital policies. I understand that
this application and any other hospital documents are
not contracts of employment, and that any volunteer who is
placed may voluntarily leave under proper notice, and may
be terminated at any time or for any reason.
5. In the event of my resignation or termination, I agree to return all hospital property loaned to me such as identification badges, uniforms, library books, keys, etc.
All Virtua volunteers are required to receive an annual influenza vaccine.
My signature below indicates that I have read, understood, and consent to the above statements. This authorization
or photocopy shall serve as consent for the hospital to request any information concerning my application.